
OneWorldStandards Ltd is a consulting company founded by Matthew Wenban-Smith.

Headshot of Matthew Wenban-Smith

Matthew has worked in the area of voluntary sustainability standards and conformity assessment since 1994, when he was hired by the newly created Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to set up its accreditation programme. He went on to manage the Soil Association’s Woodmark forestry programme for three years, before returning to FSC as its Head of Standards and Policy. He founded OneWorldStandards in 2006, with the idea that his experience could be of benefit to other established or emerging standards initiatives, their users and stakeholders.

As well as his consultancy work Matthew has served on the Technical Advisory Board of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the Technical Panel of the High Conservation Value (HCV) Resource Network, and is the current Chair of the ISEAL Technical Advisory Committee.

Download Matthew’s full CV

OneWorldStandards works regularly in partnership with like-minded organisations and individuals who share our values and work ethic, and who have complimentary skills and areas of expertise.

We are happy to have collaborated on past projects with:

  • Michael Spencer & Associates
  • Dr Timothy Synnott
  • Kevin O’Grady & Associates
  • Wiebke Herding and colleagues at ON:SUBJECT
  • Jason Morrison and colleagues at the The Pacific Institute
  • Sarah Roberts, then with Arup Engineering
  • Dr Halina Ward, then at the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development
  • Dr Nick Hepworth, then with Water Witness International, now with Common Futures Consulting
  • Alexis Morgan, Water Expert for WWF International
  • Aimee Russillo of Liseed Consulting


  • What people say about us

    “Matthew has a deep and broad-based understanding of all aspects of third-party certification, including the technical requirements and the complexities and challenges of developing standards and certification systems for multi-stakeholder collaborations. His breadth of knowledge is difficult to find. We highly valued not only his knowledge and experience, but his commitment to our project, his openness to explore and analyze alternative approaches, and his creative problem solving.” – Maia Becker, Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC)