
OneWorldStandards has produced a series of publications, training manuals, tools and research studies for a variety of audiences.

Assuring Consumer Confidence in Ethical Trade

Researcher and lead author of report for ISO’s Consumer Policy Committee “Ethical Trade Fact-finding Process” (ETFP). To access the report, send an email to…

Iseal Alliance training manuals

Link to the website to access manual


Code of Good Practice for Product Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Claims

The report can be downloaded from the Carbon Trust website.


Environmental Risk Assessment Tools

A  robust, cost-effective method to help community forest managers decide when monitoring is needed.

Dovetail Partners

Matthew Wenban-Smith contributed to a series of reports produced by Dovetail Partners on social and environmental standards and certification.

For previous reports please visit the Dovetail publications archive,


  • What people say about us

    "OneWorldStandards' work on the UNFSS first Flagship report was truly impressive. Matthew Wenban-Smith and his team were able to clearly identify the key issues related to voluntary sustainability standards as well as the controversies and concerns related to them." – Christopher Wunderlich, United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS) Coordinator