Support for ISEAL Membership

The Sustainable Eel Group (SEG) is a small NGO whose mission is to provide leadership for the restoration of healthy wild populations of the European eel throughout its natural range.

SEG had already developed a sustainability standard for responsible eel fishers, ranchers and aquaculturalists, and had been operating a certification and labelling scheme for a few years. In 2015 the organisation took the strategic decision to apply for ISEAL membership, using the ISEAL Codes as a framework to upgrade their programme. SEG contracted OneWorldStandards to identify any aspects of their scheme that would need to be strengthened, and to support it in the implementation of a work plan to bring SEG into full compliance with the ISEAL Codes in preparation for its application for ISEAL membership.

Matthew engaged Aimee Russillo of Liseed Consulting to provide additional expertise on the implementation of the ISEAL Impacts Code and on the development of a formal Theory of Change, and carried out a top to bottom review of the SEG programme covering its mission, governance, assurance, standards, and impact evaluation. Working closely with the SEG Leadership Team, Matthew and Aimee helped SEG draft a revised ‘Theory of Change’. SEG’s governance documentation has been refreshed, formal standards development procedures have been put in place, and SEG’s assurance model has been revised. In a final stage of the project OneWorldStandards and Liseed Consulting will backstop SEG during the implementation of its new procedures and with its application for ISEAL membership.

  • What people say about us

    “We wanted to thank you for contributing to this work through your review of the draft document. This process was very helpful for us and significantly increased the quality of the final version.” – Ainsley Butler, Diamond Development Initiative