
Chain of Custody, Traceability and Labelling Options

Full supply chain traceability is easy to understand, and easy to ask for. It is the right solution in some situations. But it is not the only option for sustainability standards schemes. ‘Mass Balance’, ‘Percentage-Based Claims’ and ‘Book and Claim’ approaches should also be considered. It can be a costly mistake to commit to an […]

Policy Options to Address Historical Performance by New Certification Applicants

Every standards scheme will face challenging, real-world situations that demand a coherent policy approach. Often, other schemes will have had to confront similar situations, analogous policy models exist, and there are lessons to be learned. Like many new certification schemes, the Cornerstone Standards Council put a lot of its early effort into the development of […]

  • What people say about us

    “Matthew has a deep and broad-based understanding of all aspects of third-party certification, including the technical requirements and the complexities and challenges of developing standards and certification systems for multi-stakeholder collaborations. His breadth of knowledge is difficult to find. We highly valued not only his knowledge and experience, but his commitment to our project, his openness to explore and analyze alternative approaches, and his creative problem solving.” – Maia Becker, Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC)